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المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
غير مقروءة 12-10-2008, 10:56 PM   #1
mohamed halabjay
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 36
Lightbulb إلى:المنظمات الإنسانية في العالم

المنظمات الإنسانية في العالم

هذه مناشدة ملحة لمساعدة شخص مريض اسمه محمد عزيز في ناشفل، تينسي الذي له حالة فريدة ومشكلة تنفس خطيرة.

محمد عزيز كردي من شمال العراق (ومواطن أمريكي حالياً) هو ضحية الهجوم الكيماوي على مدينة حلبجة في شمال العراق عام 1988 متزوج وله طفلان عمر أحدهما سنتان والثاني أربع سنوات. له عجز 100% نتيجة مرض رئوي مزمن كما أن زوجته لا تستطيع أن تشتغل لأنها تقوم بتوفير العناية له ولطفليها.

لقد توفى العديد من أفراد عائلة السيد عزيز القريبين منه منذ عام 1988 بسبب نفس الهجوم الكيماوي. كما أن السيد عزيز هو الوحيد من عائلته الذي استطاع أن يأتي إلى الولايات المتحدة.

أنه بحاجة ملحة إلى معالجة طبية بسبب إصابة جهازه التنفسي. ونظراً لاستنشاقه غازات كيماوية خلال قصف حلبجة في 16 آذار 1988 فهو مرشح لاستزراع رئوي ولكن قائمة الانتظار طويلة وقد تفوته الأوان عندما يكون احدهم حاضراً بسبب التدهور السريع لرئتيه. ولحسن الحظ هنالك معالجة جديدة يمكنها أن تحسن وظيفة رئتيه ولكن المريض لا يستطيع أن يتحمل كلفة المعالجة تدعى المعالجة ( دواء مضاد للڨيروس گاما- 1ب) لا يغطي التأمين الصحي للسيد عزيز TennCare Medicaid (شيء عسير) هذه المعالجة. هذه معالجة جديدة وسعرها باهظ على السيد عزيز. إن المعالجة موجودة في الولايات المتحدة حالياً. نطلب مساعدتكم في تغطية كلفة هذه المعالجة. لقد أبدى كل من جامعة فندربلت ومركز فندربلت الطبي في ناشڨل استعدادهما للتعاون مع ضامن معالجة السيد عزيز فيما يتعلق بالترتيبات المادية.
نأمل مساعدكم لإنقاذ حياة السيد عزيز ونقدره حق التقدير.
وشكرا ً على مساهمتكم الطيبة
محمد عزيز
Mohamed Aziz

3404 Donna Kay Dr
Nashville, TN 37211

1- 615- 8320922

في مدينة حلبجة قتل بالغازات الکيمياوية ما يقارب خمسة آلاف شخص ، منها عوائل کاملة، کما و جرح أکثر من عشرة آلاف شخص و شرد الآلاف الآخرين. و مع أن هناك الکثيرين من تعرضوا لهذه الغازات السامة ما زالوا على قيد الحياة إلا أنهم يعانون من أعراض تلك الغازات و هم في وضع صحي و نفسي سيئ للغاية، هم يتمنون الموت على حياة ملئها العذاب و المعاناة. إن الغازات السامة قد أثرت حتى على العوامل الوراثية لنساء المنطقة فهم يولدون أطفالا معوقين.
محمد عزيز، هو واحد من مرضى القصف الکيمياوي الذي تعرض له مدينة حلبجة، عدا هذا فإنه فقد 15 شخصا من أقرباءه، حالة محمد عزيز کان موضوعا لبحث نشر في مجلة طبية أمريکية بإسم: Journal of American Medical Association

يقول الباحث بأن محمد عزيز هو وثيقة حية لإثبات إستعمال أسلحة القتل الجماعي من قبل السلطات العراقية ضد‌ المواطنين الکورد، و أعراض تلك الغازات واضحة، فقد تعرض قصباته الهوائية لأضرار بالغة و غير قابلة للعلاج، لذا فهو سيعاني بسبب ذلك طول حياته.

يقول الدکتور آرون ميلستون من Vanerbilt University Center و الباحثين الآخرين:

تعرض محمد عزيز إلى العمى نتيجة للغازات الکيمياوية، وهو يعاني من سعال شديد و ضيق في التنفس، لذا فهو يحتاج إلى رئتين جديدتين، لأنه رئتيه يعملان فقط بنسبة 25%. عندما کان محمد عزيز في سن 39 سنة تعرض للعمى لمدة شهر و لا يزال يعاني من السعال و ضيق التنفس، يقول الباحث بأن أکثر سکان تلك المنطقة سوف يعانون من نتائج القضف الکمياوي لمدة طويلة.

غاز الخردل الذي أستخدم في حلبجة هو نفس المکون الکمياوي الذي أستخدم في الحرب العالمية الثانية و تسبب في موت 5% من الذين إستنشقوه. حسب المرکز الأمريکي للسيطرة و الوقايةCDC فإن الأشخاص الذين تعرضوا لتلك الغازات قد يعانون من الأعراض التالية لمدة غير محددة:
ـ إحمرار الجلد و الحکة
ـ ألم و حرقة في العيون مع سيلان الدموع و الإصابة بالعمى بين فترة و أخرى.
ـ ضيق التنفس و نزيف الأنف مع العطس و سيلان الدموع.
إضافة لما أعلاه من الممکن أن يصاب الشخص إلى الأمراض التالية:
Chonic bronchitis, Airway hyperactivity, bronchitis



Bronchiolitis Obliterans in a Survivor of a Chemical Weapons Attack
To the Editor: Bronchiolitis obliterans develops when an injury of small conducting airways leads to the proliferation of granulation tissue and obliteration of the airway lumen. The histological pattern is nonspecific and can result from multiple etiologies. The clinical presentation is divided into 5 categories: toxic fume inhalation, postinfectious, connective tissue disease–associated, localized, and idiopathic. 1 Several substances have been reported to cause bronchiolitis obliterans through inhalation of toxic fumes. The distribution of these agents in the lung is determined by the size of the molecule, the duration of exposure, and the solubility of the agent. 2
The inhalation of mustard gas has been reported to cause chronic bronchitis, airway hyperactivity, bronchiectasis, and pulmonary fibrosis, 3- 6 but there are no reports of the occurrence of bronchiolitis obliterans. We report a patient with confirmed bronchiolitis obliterans several years after likely exposure to mustard gas in Iraq.
Report of a Case

In August 2001, we evaluated a 37-year-old male Iraqi Kurd for possible lung transplantation. He reported that he had been present on March 16, 1988, when Iraqi fighter jets dropped multiple warheads on the northeastern Iraqi city of Halabja. (The Halabja attack has been extensively documented elsewhere. 7- 8) He and his family initially feared direct physical harm and fled to the basement of their home, but oppressive heat and poor air circulation forced them from this enclosed space. As they ran outside, the patient noted a noxious odor similar to rotten fruit. He reported that the intense smell lasted for 5 hours, during which time 15 members of the patient's family died on the street.
Six hours after his initial exposure, our patient reported experiencing eye pain, copious tearing, cough, and dyspnea. He then developed complete blindness, a condition that lasted for 20 days. The Red Crescent service of Iran transported him to the United States for ophthalmologic care and he recovered with treatment (records unavailable). His cough, dyspnea, and production of sputum progressed over the next 14 years, eventually limiting his ability to perform activities of daily living. The patient reported that his parents also complain of similar but less severe lung-related symptoms, including the daily production of purulent sputum. Neither the patient nor any members of his family have any history of tobacco use. He denied having had a history of pneumonia or significant occupational or environmental exposures before 1988.
The patient's ambulatory room air oxygen saturation was 87%. Pertinent physical findings included decreased bilateral breath sounds and an increased anteroposterior diameter. A posterior-anterior chest radiograph displayed hyperinflation and basilar bullae ( Figure 1), and pulmonary function testing revealed a severe obstructive pattern with no airflow reversibility. There was no evidence of a connective tissue disorder or 1-antitrypsin deficiency on laboratory evaluation. Subsequent studies included a high-resolution computed tomography scan of his chest ( Figure 2) and transbronchial lung biopsies ( Figure 3), which revealed bronchiolitis obliterans.


Aaron Milstone, M.D. Phone 615-322-2386
Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine T-1217 MCN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center FAX 615-343-1809
Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2650

September 2, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is regarding my patient, Mr. Mohammed Aziz. Mr. Aziz has severe pulmonary dysfunction related to bronchiolitis obliterans that he sustained while exposed to mustard gas in Iraq. The patient has been under my care for the last 5 years and despite corticosteroid treatment and inhalers, he has had a progressive decline in his pulmonary reserve. He also has frequent hospitalizations for exacerbations of his lung disease. Based on data performed throughout Europe and also in the Middle East, there are studies that suggest that the drug, Interferon, may have benefit in slowing the decline related to bronchiolitis obliterans. The drug that is typically used in the studies has been Interferon. The dose in most of these studies is a dose of 200 mcg three times weekly. The current cost here in the United States for this drug is approximately $3284.48 cents per dose. The patient would need a dose based on the four-week cycle with a total accumulative cost of approximately $42698.24.

I recognized that the cost of this drug is high; however, Mr. Aziz has spent the last 5 years trying to get awareness for the Kurdish population in Iraq and for Kurdistan through numerous media outlets and has served this purpose quite well. I think that it would be in the patient's best interest to obtain this drug if the government is willing to pay for the cost of this particular pharmaceutical. If you have questions regarding this plan, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours truly,

Aaron P. Milstone, M.D. Co-Medical Director Vanderbilt Lung Transplant Program
Aaron Milstone" <aaron.milstone@vanderbilt.edu

dd: 09/02/2008
dt: 09/02/2008

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Release of Information

(615) 322-2062
mohamed halabjay غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
غير مقروءة 07-11-2008, 05:57 AM   #2
mohamed halabjay
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 36


VUMC physicians treat mustard gas victim
August 08

Dr. Aaron Milstone examines Mohammed Aziz, who endured a mustard gas attack in 1988 in Iraq. He he has been treated at VUMC since 2001. Photo by Dana Johnson

Jessica Pasley

Mohammed Aziz still suffers the effects of a mustard gas attack he endured 15 years ago in his native Iraq. Aziz — who has been treated at Vanderbilt since 2001 — is the first proven case of brochiolitis obliterans seen in the United States after exposure to mustard gas, according to a report in the Aug. 6 Journal of the American Medical Association.
Vanderbilt pulmonary physicians are familiar with bronchiolitis obliterans. Considered relatively rare, the disorder causes scarring and inflammation to the lungs. It is most commonly seen in post lung and bone marrow transplant patients, patients with connective tissue disorders, and can arise after complications from certain forms of viral and bacterial infections.
Aziz, 39, is being treated by Vanderbilt pulmonologists Dr. Aaron Milstone, assistant professor of Medicine, Jason Thomason and Todd Rice, both senior fellows in Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.
Aziz was referred to Vanderbilt for a possible lung transplant from an area hospital. He presented with severe shortness of breath, a constant cough and very low oxygen levels. Upon questioning, doctors learned Aziz’s history — he lived in the Kurdish town of Halabja, which was the target of an Iraqi chemical weapons attack that included mustard gas and nerve agents during the Iran-Iraq War.
“This is the first and probably the only time in our clinical practices to see something like this,” Milstone said. “We were mesmerized by his story.
“When I met him two years ago, I thought he had less than a year to live. I am very impressed with how well he has done. His prognosis is difficult. We are hopeful that with supportive care and antibiotics we will be able to keep him stable so that he can maintain a good quality of life and not require transplant for another two to five years.”
Aziz is presently taking high-dose steroids and antibiotics to suppress the inflammation. He agrees that since beginning treatment under Drs. Milstone, Thomason and Rice that his health has greatly improved.
“It’s interesting, when I first came to Nashville, no one would take my illness seriously,” Aziz said through an interpreter, Aram Khoshnaw. “I didn’t get the service I needed until I was really, really sick. It took about six months. Now, I can walk, there is less coughing, my quality of life has improved considerably.”
Aziz, who has no history of smoking or lung problems, describes the day of the attack – which is also documented in the JAMA report.
A student at Baghdad University, he was home visiting his parents. He recalls rushing to the basement of their home for safety.
“We gathered ourselves and tried to escape,” he said. “The children and elders were nauseated, vomiting and blind. But after two hours I had the same side effects. I lost my [eyesight] for almost a month. Led by friends about six kilometers (4 miles), I escaped. It was horrible going through the Iran border hearing death, people falling, people dying along the way.”
Within hours of the attack, 15 family members were dead. A reported 5,000 people died the day of the attack and up to 12,000 died in the days following.
Aziz was taken to New York for treatment through the Red Crescent Service of Iran, where he later returned to live in a refugee camp. In 1991 he returned home to Halabja to help rebuild the town.
In 1998 he left for Syria, where he spent two years awaiting immigration status. He was resettled in Nashville in 2000.
Although Aziz is the first documented case of BO as a direct result of chemical warfare, Vanderbilt physicians assume that this condition exists in other Kurds living in Halabja — but no cases have yet been reported in the U.S.
“Because Mr. Aziz says his parents, who remain in Halabja, have similar but less severe problems, we feel certain that other case exist.” Thomason said. “Of course, it is extremely difficult for these patients to gain access to a facility such as Vanderbilt in order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan,” he said. “This is the first time we have had the privilege of caring for such a patient.”
Milstone said this case has been a real eye-opener and shows just how little the U.S. knows about bioterrorism.
“It does happen. It’s out there. It just hasn’t happened here.”The recommendation from the report is that “BO from toxic fume inhalation can occur after mustard gas exposure and should be considered in patients who have compatible clinical presentations.”
mohamed halabjay غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
غير مقروءة 07-11-2008, 06:15 AM   #3
mohamed halabjay
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 36

mohamed halabjay غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
غير مقروءة 07-11-2008, 06:30 AM   #4
mohamed halabjay
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 36
Question حلبجة الحكاية العريقة لأحزان التأريخ البشري التي لا تنسى


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ولا تحسبن الله غافلا عما يعمل الظالمون

حلبجة(حكاية ربيع 1988 )

حلبجة الحكاية العريقة لأحزان التأريخ البشري التي لا تنسى ، حلبجة القصة القديمة لتلقي الطعن بالخنجر من الصديق . حلبجة ساحة صراع حكم مسلح بالتكنلوجيا المعقدة مع شعبه الأعزل . صراع غاز الخردل مع صدور الاطفال الرضع . صراع السيانيد مع القلوب النابضة للرجال والنساء العزل ، صراع الطائرات مع الأمهات اللواتي أخفين أطفالهن في أحضانهن ، صراع القتلة مع الرجال الذين جعلوا من أجسادهم حصوناً لزوجاتهم . حلبجة قصة الارض الخصبة والزهور الملونة والأنغام العذبة اللتي تنمو ايماناَ ومحبة في صدور مزارعها وتتفتح أوراداَ توحيدية في بساتينها ، وتنشر عطوراَ محمدية في رياضها ، وتتردد أصداء ( لا اله الا الله ) في سهولها ووديانها ، وهذه كلها جرائم لا تغتفر في نظر البعث . حلبجة حكاية الرجال الصامدين الذين لم يتوقفوا لحظة عن طلب الحق ولن يتركوا هذا المسير أبداَ .


Halabja is the old tale of unfrgettable of human history .
Halabja, the everlasting tale which has been recorded in the book of ((human wonders)).
Halabja is the territory of the Kurd, whom as far back as they can remember has been the victims of the most prejudice and violent actions of the unjust Iraqi regime due to their Islamic beliefs.
Halabja is located in a vast area that both greenery and beauty as well as faith and resistance have grown and blossomed in it.
Halabja is the old tale of the knife in the back.
Halabja is the battleground of a regime, armed with complex warfare technology against the unarmed people of its own country; the battle of mustard gas with the lungs of the infant children; the battle of cyanide with the throbbing hearts of the unarmed men and women; the battle of fighter bombers with mothers who have hidden in their bosoms their beloved children, or men who have turned their bodies into barricades for their wives.
Halabja the innocent land whose cries of innocence were muffled in its own geographic boundaries and where the resistance of its own people was choked with black chemical clouds.
mohamed halabjay غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
غير مقروءة 15-12-2008, 01:42 AM   #5
mohamed halabjay
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 36

mohamed halabjay غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
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