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المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
غير مقروءة 09-05-2024, 03:29 AM   #1
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2008
الإقامة: مصر
المشاركات: 870
إفتراضي A visitor from the sky

A visitor from the sky-
When I am visited in my dream.

And I am asked to be your great groom.

I reply , she says your words are only truth gram.

When he says to me try and try.

Be patient and, you will win her heart in the nearest day.

I reply him ok my dad, you are supported by the Messengers and the sky.

They told me about your loneliness.

World government police explained the crimes of your ex husband and problems.

They says, she is your sister, friend wife and your life rays.

I am your super lion and hero.

And you are the star of Cairo.

Since the battle of Waterloo.

Sing your love and declare.

Without me, you are very sad very ill and very poor.

And you will live with me under one roof and behind one door.

And in love suits, you will swim with me and kiss me on Love Shore.

To me, love place of your father is given.

He tells me, Abdo, your are my real son.

And she is your wife because she is your twin.

And if her weak broken heart is a false rock, you are human.

Foreign Ministers of Europe and Egypt draw us on their children foreheads.

For us the flowers of Utopia wear their red clothes.

And you will dance for me in your short red shorts and dress.

Your very sad wide eyes will smile and be deeper.

Your very attractive chest will be whiter.

Your legs will be softer and stonger.

You are the mother of my children.

You are my fresh Oxgen.

Your lips are my fruits and my wine.
Written by Abdellatif A. Fouad.
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
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